Digital, HD | Stereo
16:9 I colour | 3’44” | 2018
Digital, HD | Stereo
16:9 I colour | 3’44” | 2018
By taking advantage of HDR
screen motion-flow technology, we magnified the
uncanny effects created by discrepancies in digital media time. In the uninterrupted take, a layer of water is
recorded at 240 frames per second while it runs on
top of public domain stock footage of volcanic activity, which had been
previously manipulated to play at 240 frames per
second so to appear as playing at normal speed in
the slow motion video.
A FILM BY Federico Barni | John Alexander Lowe
A FILM BY Federico Barni | John Alexander Lowe

MUBI x REcreative short film night 2018 @ South London Gallery
MUBI x REcreative short film night 2018 @ South London Gallery